Summer Time = MeP2 Time

You may look at that title and say, “What?” Many clients take the summer or mid-year to review how the first half of the year performed and make adjustments to ensure business goals are met. I’ve heard it referred to as FP2 (fiscal planning 2nd half) or OP2 (operational planning 2nd half). 

I liked that…for myself.

We all start the new year running fast with big goals – whether for your business, your career or your personal life. As the months go by, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and lose sight of those initial goals.

As your clients re-evaluate their business goals and determine whether the market has changed, priorities have changed and strategies may need to change. It’s a good time for us as individuals to do the same.

MeP2 or Me Planning 2nd half

Look at the goals you set for yourself in January and decide if those goals still make sense.  If they do, are you on track to meet them or at least progress in the right direction? Life happens – maybe those goals have to change. That’s ok! Take MeP2 to redefine new goals.

Or be honest with yourself about whether you’ve been diligent about working toward your goals. Do you need to put in more effort? (This is a tough one for me – especially when it comes to personal goals like eating better or exercising more).

Summer is a good mid-way point for everyone to take a look in the proverbial (or literal) mirror and make sure you are on track to be your best you.