Throughout my years in PR, I’ve noticed sometimes you need to step away from your computer to tackle a problem or think creatively about a project.
Whether having inspiration strike in the shower (I can’t be the only one, right?!) or just as I’m falling asleep, I’ve often found creativity come to me when I’m not at my computer.
I was recently on a walk with my sister, and we brainstormed ideas for a project she was working on. As we tackled creative thinking, I was reminded of how often inspiration strikes when I’m out and about in the world. Following are a few reasons taking a break can be a secret weapon for creative success.
1. It’s science, baby! Studies have shown that taking regular breaks can enhance creative thinking and problem-solving abilities. Being stuck in front of a screen for long periods can cause brain fatigue; stepping away allows your brain to rest and reset, fostering a mental environment where creativity can flourish.
2. Fresh perspective. A change of scenery, even if it’s just a walk around the office or a stroll outside, can provide a new perspective on a problem or project. When you physically move away from your desk, your mind has the freedom to wander and explore different angles. This mental shift can lead to fresh ideas.
3. Nature therapy. Spending time in nature has been proven to reduce stress, improve mood and enhance creativity. A walk in the park, a hike, or even sitting in a garden can provide a calming backdrop that can inspire and rejuvenate, leading to a more relaxed and creative state of mind.
Give it a try! Your best idea may be just one break away.